new sisters

new sisters
Penelope holding 10 day old Violet

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Up Goes the Tree

The Cleaning

The Gathering

The Gathered Greens

Our House Gnome Escaping with our Greens

Stringing lights and opening treasures.

Placing the angel on top.

Arrangements on the nature table.

Hanging each special thing with such care.


This skating bear music box was given to me by my mother when I was a child, and Pen loves it more than everything else each Christmas.

Tree all done!

Baby up from her nap and seeing the tree for the first time.

Charles at the computer, Pen playing with her horse advent calendar, and Vi  examining the tree.

The guys and the girls sharing a pomegranate.


Candles on the nature table.

Tree at night.

Winding down and enjoying our decorations just before bed.
Last Sunday we decorated our tree. Steve and the girls went out to get a tree, and then brought Charles home    to decorate with us. It was all pure magic for Penelope, finding treasures she remembered from last year, hearing about how her Daddy's Grandma made so many of the ornaments, and deciding just exactly where the perfect spot for each special thing was.

"Please Mama, can't we get a really big tree this year?" she kept asking me. But we have a tiny house, so we have a tiny tree. As soon as the lights were up and she was permitted to decorate it all herself, she completely forgot that the tree was so small. She now thinks it's the prettiest tree anywhere, and I have to agree with her.

Steve roasted  some chestnuts, I made us a nice dinner, and then after Charles had gone home we all enjoyed the lights on the tree and the many candles that made our little home seem so cozy and magical for a while before going off to bed.


  1. This is such a warm and loving darling series of photos - the girls are cuter every minute, and your tiny house looks like a haven of warmth and solstice joy. It looks like a photo montage of the Anti-Contemporary Holiday Madness, the festival of commercialism, materialism and Very Bad Music that is the Holiday Season (lasting from well before Hallowe'en until well into January). Somehow this year I am more disgusted with it all than ever - but this posting reminds me that all of this excess is NOT the Real Thing. Celebrating light in the darkness IS the Real Thing.

  2. Yes, I have consciously tried to avoid the holiday madness and keep things very simple. I am happier, and so is everybody else. I did the bulk of shopping on the couch in my p.j.s and fuzzy robe with my phone, a pile of catalogs and a glass of wine, while listening to very good music, and I have been making things that I hope will be loved, and which I have loved making. It is all about celebrating light in the darkness, it is true.

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