new sisters

new sisters
Penelope holding 10 day old Violet

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Day One

Six Months

One Year

Eighteen Months




A week ago today my little Violet turned two. I have enjoyed every moment of this little girls's first two years. She brings me joy and laughter every day, this silly, sunny baby of mine. And I have to admit that there is a part of me a little sad to see her becoming less of a baby and more of a big girl, but she is such a delightful little being and watching her grow into the person she is is a wonderful thing to be a part of.

And I am excited to spend this year with her, because I think two is my favorite age. I know two doesn't have the best reputation, but I love it. Eager and ready to be a part of everything, needing to help with all jobs, joyfully dressing themselves in truly fabulous outfits of their own creation, planting their feet on the ground and their hands on their hips and demanding with all their strong little being. They have not yet become self conscious, they say exactly what they mean. They shine so brightly. Yes, I am going to enjoy every minute of Violet's twoness, This bright, shiny, wonderful girl of mine. I am glad every day that she is here. Happy Birthday darling girl!

1 comment:

  1. Gail agrees strongly with you that two gets a bad rep and is really a fabulous wonderful magical age. Toddlers and twos are her favorite group to work with. She's very weird that way! Most people would run like wildfire from a roomful of two-year-olds, she approaches it with glee. And we're so happy to see you so delighting in your girlies. We can't wait to see them. AND YOU!
